Tips'n'Tricks — camogie
Mycro Evolution Review
Posted by John Wilkinson on
Basic Wall Ball Drills
Posted by John Wilkinson on
At US Hurling & Supply Co., we’re ardent believers that if you own a fancy pair of colorful boots (cleats) but don’t have a wall ball, your priorities are pretty poorly positioned.
There’s no easier way to get the touches you need when all by your lonesome than the Hurling Wall. Wall Balls are especially great for this training as they are less expensive and last far longer than regular sliotars do when repeatedly struck against hard surfaces like the wall or pavement. The material also makes the ball more lively, helping to develop reaction times, while still being a bit less dense in case the wall sends it right back at you.
Regional Hurley Cuts
Posted by John Wilkinson on
We get a number of questions about the different hurley cuts and why they are different as much as how they are different. Here is our brief take on the matter: The Maher Wexford Cut is the most balanced, “Middle-of-the-Road” option of the 3 profiles when comparing how pronounced the heel and toe are. The Wexford Cut also features the smallest overall bas profile in terms of surface area, allowing for quicker stick maneuvering but slightly less surface area for soloing. The Maher Cork Cut provides the most pronounced heel and least pronounced toe of the 3 profiles. The more pronounced...